Gone are the days when hospitals were drab, hung only dark green curtains and smelled of medicine.
They have come of age from that gloomy setup, and today some clinical facilities are a place of immense comfort, state-of-the-art-technology with a dash of leisure.
The newest instance is Cloudnine’s second maternity and childcare facility in Pune’s Kalyani Nagar (there is already a functional one in Shivaji Nagar area of Pune).

Birthing gone designer. Immensely specialised. Remarkably managed.
And I witnessed all this during my visit to this hospital.
Before giving an account of my personal experience, have a look at the snapshot of Cloudnine Hospitals.
Set up in 2007 in South Bangalore by the renowned neonatologist Dr. R. Kishore Kumar, Cloudnine is India’s premier destination for comprehensive maternal, gynaecological, neonatal and paediatric care. The organization’s vision is to effectively bridge the gap between Indian and international standards through a combination of clinical excellence, comprehensive care and an atmosphere of well-being, to ensure world-class standards in woman and child healthcare.
Today, Cloudnine Group of Hospitals is present in 18 locations across 5 cities in India. Since its inception, Cloudnine is handling up to about 1000 deliveries a month. (Visit here to see the locations)
The centre at Kalyani Nagar specialises in Maternity, Gynaecology, Paediatrics, Fertility, Stem Cell Banking, Intensive Care, Neonatology and Fetal Medicine.
So there I was, invited to attend the launch and review it.
Inside the hospital, it was like being in a star property. Aesthetically designed theme based interiors and chivalrous staff. Akin to the hospitality industry, the team was well trained (and groomed) in handling people genially.
(I noticed while the volunteer explained and showed me around during my assisted tour of the hospital, he made sure to refer the expecting or delivered mothers as ‘guests’ and not ‘patients’. True that! Pregnancy is not a disease and shouldn’t make you feel or become like a patient.)
The facility is spread across three sprawling floors. It houses 37 luxury /suite beds, 2 labour rooms, 2 operation rooms, 4 bed surgical ICU, 18 bedded level III neonatal ICU and 2 induction rooms.
Waiting areas are spacious and comfortable.

For the guests and relatives, there are cosy feeding areas, a cute little confectionery tuck shop and fascinating play areas for toddlers.
Soon after exploring the facility, I got a chance to catch up with Rohit MA, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Cloudnine Group of Hospitals for one-to-one interaction.
Unlike as I expected, Rohit is a young guy. We had a detailed interaction on the conception, vision and practices of Cloudnine Group of Hospitals. I also asked him, “Healthcare facilities, especially maternity ones, have always been accused of promoting and forcing C-section deliveries due to ‘obvious’ commercial reasons. Since your’s is a high-end one, doesn’t people come with a pre-conceived notion of the same?”
To this, Rohit’s reply was convincing and cleared the looming doubt to a large extent, “Since the very beginning we knew we will be judged and questioned on this aspect. And hence we have a straightforward, streamlined and transparent policy to deal with it. In all our facilities, there is no difference in charges for normal and cesarean deliveries. The package cost does not depend on the ‘type of delivery’ but is reliant on the ‘kind of room’ you chose. Only the anaesthesiologist fee is additional for a C-section. So there is no question of needless surgical intervention from the commercial prospective. Additionally, all cesarean section deliveries are reported and assessed for the ‘cause of surgery’ by a separate team of doctors.”
I also asked him about various pre and post natal conveniences available for the expectant mother and the family. Rohit informed me that they give particular attention in educating not only the mother but the whole family; even to the house helps, as in a lot of instances they are also going to take care of the baby later.
There are myth busting sessions, stress reduction programs, lactation support, Lamaze classes and we even provide midwife support at home, if needed. Besides the specialised care, Cloudnine Hospitals offer opportunities of bonding with other mothers-to-be.
Even though the rooms are luxurious and the ambience is casual, Cloudnine practise serious medicine. Do check out the facility if there is a baby on its way in the family. Talk to the counsellor at the hospital, assess pros and cons and register for the most special moment of your life to become a cherishable memory at Cloudnine!
Checkout a small video of the facility here
Cloudnine Hospital
Waves, Survey No. 212/1B,
Plot no. 59 C, Kalyaninagar,
Pune 411006
Call Us: 1860 500 9999 / 020-49159999
Email: info@cloudninecare.com
Visit there website here