You tell a child to sit at one place, he will hop around
You tell a child to be quite, his chatter would become unstoppable
You tell a child to wash hands, he will not listen
You tell a child to see magic, he would come running!!
Savlon created ‘magic’ and made sure children become eager to try this fascinating trick. Over & over, time & again!
Taking a little peek in the stats, about 18 Lakh children under the age of 5 die every year from diarrheal diseases & pneumonia. These deaths can be pretty much averted just by maintaining good hygiene and eating food with clean, washed hands.
The documentary showcases how effortlessly hand washing concept can be promoted and inculcated in children by inducing fun in the whole exercise.

I showed the video to my 9 year old daughter. She was dearly surprised and amazed to see chalk dust turning into a hand wash and generating lather. I am sure, this innovative product will reach and help millions of children, aid them remain healthy and to have some fun all along.