Tiger Print – Not For Me Anymore
I am not a racist, feminist, sexist or any other ‘ist’ that may denote ‘taking sides’ of one group, culture or ideology.
But I have one strong reservation. I choose to steer clear of animal prints – tiger, cheetah, snake, leopard, zebra and the likes in my wardrobe.
(I wonder if PETA would be pleased or take offense with this choice of mine.)
I have a reason to do so.
Sometime back an incident made me see ‘red’, whenever I saw an animal print garment.
There was a much awaited client meeting at the office on a new project which our company is trying to garner for a long time. I took out a beautiful chiffon (or was it georgette?) white formal shirt and teamed it with black knee length tulip skirt. Black peep toes, hair slicked back in a neat high pony and a touch of light makeup completed my perfect corporate look.
On reaching the office, I straightaway went to the board room and entered with a pleasing, confidant smile. I noticed that everyone’s gaze lingered on me for longer than desired. Few of them even dared a snide smile. My boss’s face was most grim, as if he got a bone stuck in his throat.
I overlooked everyone and began to set up my presentation, thinking ‘’uff these men, they just can’t stand beauty with brains. I know I am looking attractive and may be better off than their wives but this is no way to make it so apparent with tongues hanging out.’’
Leaving aside the weird looks, my presentation otherwise went well. The client seemed fairly impressed. Sharing his business card, he suggested we can also discuss the idea further at length over lunch, today after the meeting. Not bad. I always knew my ideas rock!
But somewhere all along I was uncomfortable. There is definitely something amiss.
I packed my stuff and went straight to the nearest washroom. There in full neon light, standing in front of the huge mirror what I saw left me aghast. My latest purchase of a trendy tiger print undergarment was almost on full display under my delicate chiffon/georgette (am still unsure) blouse. Every intricate detail of lace, trimming, colour, pattern, cup and even that little cute bow in the centre was visible to quite an extent.
Damn! So this is what attracted all those lurid glances and fetched me lunch invitations.
Flashback – Earlier in the morning, there was no electricity in the flat and sun was still not shining in its full glory. I got ready using the ‘emergency light’ which my mother brought when she visited last time. So I could not have a proper look in the mirror when I got ready with ‘normal’ lights ON! I was already running late. I picked my stuff and hurriedly left to hop in my waiting office cab downstairs.
Indeed that day, my ‘chaddi was not my buddy’!
Lesson learnt – No stepping out of the house without a full, good look in the mirror, electricity or no electricity.
Post that incident, for several days in row I tried to hang only with my girl gang, trying to avoid the ‘gentle’men present in that meeting.
P.S. Some of them still murmur under their breath when they pass by me, saying ‘Hi Tigress.’
P.S.S. We got that project, even though I could not bring myself to join the client for lunch.
A lot of people has asked me if this is my true story? Now, now…’it is for me to know and you to guess’!
FYI – A writer can take the liberty of exaggeration to illicit fun & pun.
Following someone with GUD intentions is not culpable…..
hahhaha.. sorry. but this is hilarious…amazingly written.